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Business | Technology | Society


Delivering lasting impact for our clients

Solving business, technology, and social challenges



Acquisition due diligence through initial discovery phase​

Organisation efficiency and capability assessment

Architecture capability review

Ops model definition including Tech/Product roadmap

Integration and separation assessment

Roadmap definition to support exit strategy

Tech C-Suite leadership placement (CIO/CTO/Ops Dir)

Turnaround team deployment


Detailed execution planning

Project and supplier delivery management

Commercial review and delivery management

Risk managed approach

Cost control through planned sprint MVP’s

Hybrid Agile methods

Incremental value realisation

Clear and transparent reporting


Defined by outcomes - delivered through MVP capability

Always focussed on Customer Experience

Enabling service excellence

Delivering operational efficiency

Right-sourcing to enable focus on value-enablement

Management of divestment

Enabling continuous improvement not and end-state

Delivering lasting client impact

Today’s commercial and social climates require more than the traditional run-of-the-mill approach to consulting. Our team at Cove have all experienced this outdated approach, and we know it no longer works


We provide the experience and expertise to deliver outcomes for today’s challenges. Doing and proposing the right thing, in the right way. Always challenging whether we could be doing better for our clients, partners, and colleagues.

Our team is built with individuals who share our values and purpose. And we enable them to bring the best of their unique talents to benefit you. 

Our Approach

Discovery | Focus | Delivery | Assess

Our approach changes from client to client, depending on the nature of what we are being asked to help with. This may be delivering a major technology supported transformation, advising on and defining IT strategy, or increasing speed of innovation through collaboration.  Generally though, we always follow four main phases.


Making sure we set-off with the fundamentals answered, a clear problem statement, and ensuring we know what needs to be achieved, and the outcomes our clients want 



Through close engagement and collaboration, we ensure clarity on where time, effort, and organisational resources, should be deployed and how, optimising early value delivery




Understanding the short and longer term priorities, we build clear and transparent plans, and mobilise close-knit collaborative teams driving the flow of outcomes and value


Critical to adding value for our clients, we continually assess and challenge progress and direction.  Things change, and we ensure delivery is managed to accommodate this


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